Ida Abbott

Author | Retirement Consultant

Ida Abbott is a frequent keynote speaker and presenter who has authored numerous seminal books and resources on retirement. Her book, Retirement by Design, was named by the Wall Street Journal as one of the 6 best books on retirement and aging in 2020.
Ida Abbott
  • Author of 9 Books

  • Noted Keynote Speaker

  • Retirement Strategist

Meet Ida Abbott

Author | Retirement Consultant

The purpose of my work is to help individuals and firms design strategies for retirement. As a consultant for more than 25 years, I have specialized in professional and career development, especially mentoring, sponsorship and women’s leadership. Most of my career has been in the legal profession as a trial lawyer, consultant, speaker, and author of many seminal books and resources, but my clients also include individuals and organizations in finance, accounting, health care, technology, academia, management consulting, government and business.

As the needs of my clients have evolved over the years, so too has my practice. Never before has the need for strategic support for retirement planning been so apparent or urgent. People who have achieved successful careers are wondering what they will do next, and firms are grappling with how to manage succession and retirement of their partners, leaders and executives. It has been exciting and fulfilling to work with professionals as they built their careers. Now I can support them by helping them design retirements that are right for them, their families, and their firms.

Throughout my career, I have also held leadership and board positions in numerous bar associations, women’s organizations, and professional associations in the US and internationally. I have co-founded several important organizations, including the Hastings Leadership Academy for Women and the Professional Development Consortium, and have served on the editorial and advisory boards of many publications, agencies and non-profits. In recognition of my contributions to the legal profession, I was elected a Fellow of both the College of Law Practice Management and the American Bar Foundation, which honors the top 1% of lawyers who have promoted the highest principles and welfare of the profession.

I live in Oakland, CA, with my husband of 53 years, who recently retired from his career as a pediatrician. We have two sons, one who currently lives in New York (after 20 years as an expat), and another who lives nearby with his wife and our fabulous 2-1/2 year-old grandson.